Various types of Basketball hoops

There are three main hoop types that are available for purchase. These three types are portable, in-ground, and wall-mount. We will now break down each type so that you will have a greater understanding of the pros and cons of each option.


Likely the most popular basketball hoop type today as far hoop choice and number of hoop purchases. Portable basketball systems generally come with a base that can be filled with either sand or liquid which keeps the unit in place and stable. These can range greatly in size and capacity from 27 to 42 gallons. Some larger hoops will also have space to place bricks and other materials to help weigh down the basketball system. Portable hoops are a great choice for most homes as they are easy to transport and easier to install than in-ground options. The draw back to portable hoops is that especially at the cheaper level these hoops will shake and vibrate more than more heavily supported hoops that are attached to a wall or supported by concrete in the ground.


Generally in-ground hoops are significantly more stable than portable systems. This is because many of these hoops’ support poles are placed into the ground with concrete. We recommend these hoops for serious players wanting to get serious about their game who have a stable living situation and are unlikely to move. If you are moving often, then a portable hoop will likely be a better fit for your home. It is important to note that because in-ground hoops require concrete installing these hoops so that they are level can be more complicated than just assembling a portable hoop.


Wall-mount hoops have become less popular over time due to the convenience of the portable basketball hoop. However, these are fairly stable units due to the support brackets used and because they are often attached to a building. If you have a garage and a driveway next to each other then wall-mount systems will be a great choice.

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  • ram

    Etiam ac nulla dui. Sed scelerisque mollis neque ac congue. Proin congue neque quam, id facilisis lacus ullamcorper lacinia. Maecenas eleifend ligula arcu, a vulputate velit mollis vel.

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