These are the world’s most travelled music artists

Globetrotting DJs, Tiësto and Paul Van Dyk have topped a chart of the world’s most travelled music artists.

Package holiday firm TravelBird has calculated that two of Europe’s top DJs have travelled more, in their relatively short careers, than the likes of the mighty Metallica and forever-touring Bob Dylan.

In a bid to inspire travellers, TravelBird studied 36 of the world’s most popular artists to see who had put in the hard yards earning their craft as musicians on the road.

Tiësto tops the chart with just over 1.5 million miles, which equates to 62 times around the globe. Cyndi Lauper also makes the cut with an equally impressive 958,672 miles, or four times to the moon.
Top 10 travelled musicians

Tiësto – 1,557,131 miles
Paul van Dyk – 1,442,993 miles
Bob Dylan – 1,389,374 miles
Metallica – 1,307,842 miles
Aerosmith – 1,099,901 miles
Muse – 1,070,332 miles
Rolling Stones – 1,054,965 miles
U2 – 1,039,470 miles
Cyndi Lauper – 958,672 miles
Snoop Dogg – 866,234 miles

The online travel company also calculated how much it would cost for a superfan to follow their favourite artist around the planet.

Any hardcore Tiësto fans look away now: if you’d followed the man himself to every show to date, then you would’ve shelled out a whopping £390,009.76 for the privilege.

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