ncise - New Communities in Social Enterprise (NCISE)
Regional News

Report on Mental Health Issues in Derby New Communities


In February 2011 NCISE Derbyshire presented a new publication; a report on mental health issues in seven new communities in Derby. The report presents ourcome of a research project funded by Southern Derbyshire Voluntary Sector Mental Health Forum.

This is the first common work delivered by seven NCISE Derbyshire member organisations. We  would like to say a special thank you to Raymond Amponsa-Achiano, Chair of Derby African Association, Ferid Kevric and Erna Trtic from Derby Bosnia-Herzegovina Community Association,  Hujatullah Dilagha, Secretary of Derby Afghan Association, Kurdish Community Chair Nawzad and Zryan Rasoulzada, Farhad Neghipooran,Persian Cultural Association Centre Manager, Kamal Amier, Chair of Somali Education and Welfare Foundation, Michael Mudzamiri and Shackler Zimuto, Chair and Secretary of ZimDerby for their valuable input in carrying out the research.

The focus of the research has been to gather participating communities views on the most appropriate ways of dealing with people with mental health problems,  record existing perceptions and knowledge of local statutory mental health services and identify type of support required from GP’s and psychological services in order to provide quality support to the vulnerable members of the community.

 Full report is available from here