ncise - New Communities in Social Enterprise (NCISE)


What is Social Enterprise?
A social enterprise, also often referred to as a community business, is a way of meeting community needs through selling goods and services. Any surplus money is reinvested back into the social enterprise or for the benefit of the community.

Who are New Communities?
We define New Communities as Refugee and New Arrival communities, or the organisations that represent them. If this applies to you then please get in touch to see how we could help!

Why New Communities?
Whilst there are a lot of resources available to support social enterprise, New Community organisations have a very low participation in social enterprise. Part of the problem is that there is very little support (or infrastructure) for these organisations. As a consequence, many organisations are financially unsustainable, with a crippling dependence on grants.

Social enterprise is one way that new communities can begin to build their way out of this dependency.

Also, by working together each member of the group is strengthened