Britain will not be able to hang on to the benefits of European Union membership once it has left, French president Francois Hollande has warned. Hollande, who leaves office in May, said the UK had made a “bad choice at a bad time” in voting for Brexit.
In an interview with The Guardian and five other European newspapers, he rejected a suggestion Britain could continue to enjoy some of the advantages of being part of the bloc.
/ 18th March 2017Nunc auctor metus tellus, non scelerisque nulla molestie sit amet. Nullam non euismod urna, ut volutpat nunc. Fusce efficitur dapibus blandit. Mauris aliquam, massa et placerat auctor, nulla lectus sagittis magna, eget mollis metus massa at turpis.
/ 24th March 2017Visitor Rating: 2 Stars